Web Worker

Web Worker - 前端程序员都爱听的播客

这是一档前端程序员闲聊的播客《Web Worker 播客》。玩票的播客放大了我们的声音,所以如果你想表达技术观点、自荐作品、安利嘉宾请联系我,愿为作品推广尽绵薄之力~

No.28 Chatting with DIYgod, the author of, about blockchain and blogging platforms, front-end learning, and life insights.

No.28 Chatting about blockchain and blog platforms, front-end learning, and life insights with DIYGOD, the author of
No.28 Chatting about blockchain and blog platforms, front-end learning, and life insights with DIYGOD, the author of



Front-end hosts: Xinbao Otto@xinbao, Liuwei Franky@lv777, Xiaobaicai
Guest: DIYgod

A new episode of the podcast is here! In this episode, we invited DIYgod, the creator behind, to talk about the blockchain blog platform he built, the considerations behind it, and the interesting stories. In addition to discussing the technical details of web3.0 used in the platform, we also had a big discussion about the technology choices! We also talked about DIYgod's personal life aspirations! Feel free to join xlog to write blogs and listen to podcasts!

DIYGod's workspace

DIYgod's workspace

"Web Worker" is an audio podcast where a group of front-end programmers chat. The show revolves around topics related to programmers, discussing workplaces, news, technology choices... Anything related to web development can be discussed. Since the hosts are front-end programmers, the discussions will be from a front-end perspective.


01:30 Start of the episode. This time, we invited DIYgod, the creator of, who is a tech guru who codes, watches anime, and plays games.

02:52 Why did Liuwei start writing blogs? Why did he choose xlog after considering Obsidian? What makes xlog attractive and unique? It is a blockchain-based blog website. The author and hosts discuss their experiences using xlog.

09:15 Trying to understand xlog again, how to use it, and a comparison of the underlying technologies. An introduction to xlog. A comparison is made with Zhihu, a web2.0 platform, highlighting the difference in data ownership. Keywords: blockchain technology, smart contracts, blockchain wallets.

18:00 QA session: Does it cost money to publish on xlog? Do I need to pay via Alipay? What is the "Gas Fee" mentioned, and what is the principle behind it? Are there incentives for high-quality articles? Why is there no concept of payment when publishing on Zhihu, and what are the differences? What actions require a gas fee? Differences in storing images, text, and audio files? Keywords: tamper-proof, IPFS network, CID, details of accessing IPFS protocol by pinning.

32:20 How was the technology stack for xlog chosen? Next.js + Tailwind + Headless UI + Mingcute icon + Codemirror editor + Remark + Postgres + Redis + Prisma + React Query, and more. A discussion on the technology choices and the role of caching databases.

45:00 How did the development of these technology stacks evolve? The stories and experiences behind the development.

51:10 How is the current energy invested? How does a typical day look like? xlog has many interesting and heartwarming friends and stories.

56:30 Are there administrators in the podcast? What are their permissions? What actions can be performed on content that is stored on the blockchain? Listen to the podcast for specific details.

63:00 Reviewing what we discussed about the product and technology. How long has YY been working? What is he currently busy with? What new things is he learning? How does he plan his energy investment in the future?

66:20 Currently exploring more forms of content presentation, such as podcasts, images, videos, etc. There is actually a podcast that front-end programmers love to listen to on xlog! Shout out his name loudly!

67:00 The author has long-term expectations for the development of xlog, like a caring father.

68:30 As someone who transitioned from front-end, what learning experiences and personal insights can be shared? Constant exploration driven by interest.

74:00 Bonus: What do the hosts and the author think xlog is? Is it a blog, personal asset, a combination of next.js and blockchain, a podcast community, a content community? It is also a great material for learning.


Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.